Jeg så ei rød lampe på kveldsturen i går kveld. Svosj! så var jeg helt hensatt til en gang på 70-tallet, hvor jeg var lykkelig medeier i et Lundby dukkehus.
Dukkehuset var stort og flott, hadde nødvendig inventar, og det beste av alt: det var lyssatt! Med blant annet ei rød lanpe. Jeg har ikke noen tall for hvor mange timers lek som blei nedlagt i dukkehuset. Men det var mange. For mine egne unger er dukkehusleken mest i digital form nå om dagen. Jeg lurer på om det gir like mange gode minner?
Dette var det beste bildet av samme hus jeg fant på nettet. Fra Lundbykatalogen i 1976.
Å, jeg ønsket meg sånn et sånt. Istedenfor fikk arve et min mormor hadde som liten. I dag ser jeg selvsagt hvor uendelig vakkert det var - og er. Men som liten, så setter man ikke så stor pris på det vi voksne anser som mest verdifullt.
SvarSlettEt sånt ønska jeg meg, men fikk aldri. I stedet snekra mamma et hus til meg. Fint det også, men likevel....
SvarSlettAkkurat som Elisabeth, så ønsket jeg meg et sånt, men fikk aldri. Faren min begynte å snekre et til meg, men det ble aldri ferdig. Lurer på om det fortsatt står i deler på loftet til mora mi?
SvarSlettJa, må svare som Elisabeth og Heidi. Dette stod på ønskjelista, men fekk det aldri.
SvarSlettFor å si det som det er, så har jeg en liten mistanke om at jeg var litt bortskjemt når det kom til leker, sikkert fordi vi bodde litt langt unna klassekameratene. Det betalte seg sikkert, for jeg var innmari flink til å leke på egen hånd!
SvarSlettDet er bra å se at du har
bra barndomsminner når det gjelder
leker.Tror vi fremdeles har loftet
fullt av det og mye annet som hører
barndomen til.
He,he, muttern! Jammen klarte du å kommentere også!
SlettNice post, things explained in details. Thank You.
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SvarSlettفني دش بالمدينة المنورة
· فني دش بالمدينة المنورة مشاهدة التلفاز والقنوات عن طريق ضبط اطباق الاستقبال والرسيفرات والبرمجة الرقمية للحصول على مشاهدة افضل وصورة اوضح واعداد لا حصر لها من القنوات والاقمار تحتاج لفني متخصص فني تركيب دش وكل ما يخص البرمجة التقنية بافضل اسعار تركيب دش مركزي ضبط اطباق الدش لاستقبال القنوات على مختلف الاقمار الصناعية.
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Air conditioner cleaning company in Riyadh Gulf Homes Company is one of the best and best known companies for cleaning air conditioners in the entire Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially within the city of Riyadh, during the past ten years, due to the great and modern capabilities and amazing offers that the air conditioner cleaning company always incites to provide to all customers From time to time, from the time the company was established to the present.
SvarSlettWhere the company is doing what it can to provide a lot of services and the best air conditioners cleaning in Riyadh through many and many distinguished and skilled workers, which are good at cleaning works very efficiently so that they provide the best service and the highest quality, as it cleans the internal and external units, and cleans the sewer Airconditioning, also change parts, freon detection and shipment.
Air conditioning cleaning company in Riyadh inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides many services that many customers need in the Kingdom at the cheapest prices compared to competing companies, as many citizens in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are installing air conditioners due to the extreme heat of the summer, so the company provides Numerous services, including those services, are fully specialized in all cleaning and washing works for all types of air conditioners that exist in the Kingdom.
Which includes the most used and best air conditioner air conditioner inside the city of Riyadh and inside the entire kingdom, and the window air conditioner is one of the most used air conditioners in homes, homes and other places, and the central air conditioner is one of the best and most widespread types of air conditioners in the Kingdom and in various government institutions, such as schools Hospitals and other places.
SvarSlettAir conditioner cleaning company in Riyadh is one of the pioneering companies in this field, and this is confirmed by all customers who used the company and got all its services all the time, and the company also works to clean all internal and external parts for all types of air conditioners and all their different sizes and shapes and a lot of customers are searching for services that Provided by the company.
Air conditioning installation company in Riyadh
Air-conditioning installation company in Riyadh, Gulf Houses Company, everyone in Riyadh searches for the air-conditioning installation company and is guaranteed and reliable, and if you are looking for credibility you can contract with the air-conditioning installation company in Riyadh because there are a large number of different services and features that help you to contract.
There are a lot of companies specialized in installing air conditioners in Riyadh, but the prices are what determine the company that contracted with, they do a lot of services for installing all types of air conditioners, and these services are provided at the highest level with the best professional team.
Air conditioner is of great importance in our life because it gives us beautiful air that makes us feel comfortable and relieves us from tension and extreme heat. Therefore, when summer begins, we find citizens in all the world who buy air conditioners and after that they search for companies that are professional and specialized in installation, because they want to get rid of the heat and are not able to install The air-conditioner on their own,
There are many companies in the Kingdom that work in the field, but many are looking for a company that is efficient and professional and therefore the customer sir is advised to seek the help of an air-conditioning installation company in Riyadh, Gulf Houses Company because it has a good reputation and is also the best and our customers testify to us.
For more services, visit our website.
Gulf Homes for Integrated Home Services
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SvarSlettمعلم شلالات بالرياض
يقوم معلم شلالات بالرياض بتنفيذ وتصميم الحدائق وشلالات المياه والمناظر الطبيعيه للفلل والقصور وتركيب المسطحات الخضراء وحمامات السباحة أيضاً و هارد سكيب وسوفت سكيب وتصميم وتنسيق المناظر الطبيعية للفلل و القصور وعمل شبكات الري للمزراع وتركيب أجمل نباتات الزينة ومتسلقات زهور صباريات ونخيل وعمل نوافير و شلالات بأيدي مهندسين على أعلى درجة من الكفاءة .
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